
syracuse university中文是什么意思

  • 位于雪城的雪城大学
  • 锡拉库扎大学
  • 锡拉丘兹大学
  • 雪城大学威斯康辛州



  • 例句与用法
  • Syracuse university - college of visual performing arts
  • He holds a masters degree in numerical analysis from syracuse university
  • He holds a master s degree in numerical analysis from syracuse university
    他拥有美国雪城大学( syracuse university )的数字分析硕士学位。
  • With financial support from rome lab and syracuse university , theschool transformed a one - time home economics classroom intoa12 - station wireless computer lab
  • As a defensive - backfield coach for syracuse university ' s football team , randy edsall spends hours putting x ' s and o ' s on the blackboards and exhorting players in saturday showdowns
  • While computer courses are commonplace in american schools , the rome program " is not just a little different . this is a step change , " said eric spina , dean of syracuse university ' s engineering and computer science programs , which also helped with the pilot ' s development
  • It promises to release the final result " in the coming days . " robert thompson , professor of television and popular culture at syracuse university , said the request for help selecting a theme song is not unusual for clinton , who preceded her 2000 run for the senate with a " listening tour .
    锡拉库扎大学电视及流行文化教授罗伯特汤普森说,让大家帮着选主题曲已经算不上希拉里的"新招"了,希拉里曾在2000年竞选议员时就开始了她的"聆听之旅" 。
  • With financial support from rome lab and syracuse university , the school transformed a one - time home economics classroom into a 12 - station wireless computer lab . nickerson said the students - sophomores , juniors and seniors - represent a wide spectrum of both academic ability and computer know - how
    该实验室的首席电脑工程师卡迈勤雅布尔说: “按这项计划,除了教给年轻人如何保护信息安全外,还将拓展他们的想象力,激励他们学习相关知识并投身信息安全事业。 ”
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